
The hardest part was figuring out what to call this.

As Jen’s condition improved and my Caringbridge posts became less and less frequent, I received lots of (good-natured) grief from lots of people about how much they missed the blog.  Starting a personal and family blog has always been my intent, and on several occasions I’ve logged on to various blog sites, only to sit and stare at the screen.  What should I call this thing?  I’ve always been one to get hung up in details, and this blog’s title delayed its creation by a number of weeks.  Thanks to Dr. Frutiger at KU Med and her description of Jen’s recovery, I have my title:  The Miraculous Few.  Those words really resonate with me and Jen, and I think we both understand the mandate that they imply.  It just fits.

I do miss blogging. It’s cathartic, and helps me focus.  Over here, I can talk all of the things with which I felt foolish wasting Caringbridge’s bandwidth.

So, welcome to the blog.  Gotta run – in the last 90 seconds, Gwen has dumped the remains of dinner on the floor, got out of her highchair, immediately picked up a kitten and started shaking it within an inch of its life…




Chris said...

Yay! Welcome to Blogger. Now you have to work really hard not to be one of those people who has a one-post blog. You can do it! :o)

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're turning a page and continuing, Allen!


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